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Clinton Primary School



Music making has been at the heart of Clinton for decades and for good reason. It offers the opportunity for deeply rewarding aesthetic experience enhancing wellbeing, building self-esteem and confidence and bringing people together in a way that no other subject can. At Clinton our strategy for music begins with the idea of group music making and works back, to facilitate joyful participation at all levels ultimately leading to ambitious, high quality performances and opportunities to thrive. 

Children sing enthusiastically in class but also in assemblies and in performances. They love two and three part songs!

Composing offers the chance to practise creativity skills as well as the chance to learn how to rehearse and perform. Learning through music also enables development of focus, perseverance, empathy, collaboration and provides instant feedback through quality of outcome, of hard work leading to something special.

Our inclusive orchestra provides a focal point for children, who see them play every Friday morning in assembly. We hope that all children strive to play in the orchestra, and that it inspires them to embrace music at their own stage in development and to match that inspiration with the focus to practise learning an instrument.

From Year R to Year 2, music is taught largely in class time, with children singing, playing percussion and composing. In Year 3, they have whole class instrumental tuition from Warwickshire Music Service for 1 hour per week, where they have, over the years, learnt saxophones, cornets and fifes – to begin their musical journeys! In Year 4 there is much more composition, whilst in Year 5 and 6 those who are doing well with their instrumental tuition rehearse with the orchestra whilst the others do a range of class music lessons learning to listen, perform and compose.

See our ‘wider curriculum’ for what more is offered beyond the classroom to enhance opportunities and experiences – including ensembles, world class musicians.

Curriculum and progression mapping

In year 3, music lessons combine musicality skills and whole class instrumental tuition, whilst in years 5 and 6, those who are ready have music lessons as part of the orchestra. The other classes are taught by class teachers following the music curriculum mapped out below.

Year 1 Autumn - A Perfect Home

Year 1 Spring - Help others have fun

Year 1 Summer - Treasures of our island

 Year 2 Autumn - Historical Events

Year 2 Spring - Weather

Year 2 Summer - Inspirational People

More to come as they are written 

Year 4 Autumn - Extreme Earth

Year 4 Spring - Vikings and Romans

Year 4 - Rainforests


Year 5/6 Autumn A - Ancient Greece

Year 5/6 Autumn B - World War II

Year 5/6 Spring A - Mayans and Inventions

Year 5/6 Spring B - Victorians

Year 5/6 Summer A - Diversity

Year 5/6 Summer B - Water

And here is the progression mapping for 'notation and rhythm'

Progression in rhythm and notation

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